Minggu, 19 Februari 2017

you probably know, I'm crazy about the brass era stuff that can run in something as specific as the London to Brighton Run, or something that can get into any other year specific races

NZCarNerd reminded me that this sure can't get into the regular London to Brighton... I can only think that a general lack of sleep caused me to not pick up on that when I posted it.

The London-Brighton run this one is eligible for is the motorcycle event, The Pioneer Run for pre 1915 motorcycles, which is organised by the Sunbeam Motor Cycle Club - http://www.sunbeam-mcc.co.uk/calendar/detail/?id=170 - and not the more well known event for pre 1905 vehicles run by the RAC - http://www.veterancarrun.com/event-info

Another thing I can't remember, is if NZ Car Nerd is a Steve, Mark, or Mike... so... please, fill in the "about me" on your Google page bio everyone! Not many people will ever look at it, (only 43 people looked at NZCNs profile, so, I can assure you all, not a single person more will ever know the truth than already does... as it's a big internet, and no one seems to be looking around to discover our names, just goofballs like me that appreciate the commentary help on my mistakes, and want to actually thank you by name, but I can't remember names for the love of god... I can usually remember car stuff though. (except in this case, apparently)

via http://m.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C831279
Februari 19, 2017   Posted by Unknown in ,

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