Senin, 27 Maret 2017

Here's the latest.

They wanted $209 for a 12 month renewal.

Well, I don't have that money (maybe you already read the post about me not getting back my rental deposit, if not, it's a couple posts down)

So, I called them up and it takes 8 minutes to get the 1st guy to understand I will not be renewing my subscription.

8 minutes... he probably doesn't speak English very well. I don't know why, I do believe it's an American company, catering to USA drivers.

Anyway, he can't do anything with an account anyway, we all probably know that. The 1st person is just to get your call to the right person who handles accounts

So then I talk to a woman that has NOTHING in the notes from the 8 minutes I just spent talking to James, and I waste 2 minutes telling her I am not renewing.

THEN she has to try and get me to stay on the billing. I don't know why they are desperate to keep an upset customer, or a broke one. She asked why I would not renew, and I told her, because your company can't take a note, and put it in the account with my name on it, and I have to waste my time explaining everything over and over again every time there is a problem.

So, she offers to renew my Sirius XM for a year, or whatever, for 1/2 price.

Then she tried to tell me what a long time I've blah blah and that Sirius will offer blah blah blah

and I say no. I said, you aren't listening to me. I am not renewing.

Then the magic last ditch, low dollar, bottom line offer gets mentioned. $25 dollars for 5 months.

Friends, that's 3.5 times less a month than they want to bill me for at the normal rate. $209 for 12 months, is 17.4 a month.... but when you're telling them you are going away, and turn off the subscription, they suddenly will give you the same amount of Sirius XM radio for about 1/3rd the price (for 5 months)

I've mentioned this before. 
Maret 27, 2017   Posted by Unknown in ,

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